
Título Añoorden ascendente
The uncoupling of secondary growth, cone and litter production by intradecadal climatic variability in a Mediterranean Scots Pine Forest 2007
Response of Pinus uncinata recruitment to climate warming and changes in grazing pressure in an isolated population of the Iberian System (NE Spain) 2007
[Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) with the A3243G mutation of the tRNALeu(UUR) gene of mtDNA in native American haplogroup B2] 2007
Health Care Quality Indicators project 2006 data collection update report 2007
Geochemical characterization of sedimentary organic matter by comparative study of molecular markers in the Gulf of Cádiz inner continental shelf (SW Iberia Peninsula) 2007
An enhanced MITOMAP with a global mtDNA mutational phylogeny. 2007
Non-invasive genetic imaging for molecular and cell therapies of cancer. 2007
Structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chitinase 1 and screening-based discovery of potent inhibitors. 2007
Organocatalytic Conjugate Addition of Formaldehyde N,N-dialkylhydrazones to beta,gamma-Unsaturated alfa-Keto Esters 2007
New Modes of Reactivity in the Threshold of the Reduction Potential in Solution. Alkylation of Lithium PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon). Dianions by Primary Fluoroalkanes: A Reaction Pathway Complementing the Classical Birch Reductive Alkylation 2007
ESC observations of SN 2005cf. II. Optical spectroscopy and the high-velocity features 2007
3D Spectroscopy of Herbig-Haro Objects 2007
GEMS: Galaxy Fitting Catalogs and Testing Parametric Galaxy Fitting Codes: GALFIT and GIM2D 2007
The Dark Matter Environment of the Abell 901/902 Supercluster: A High Resolution Weak Lensing Mass Map of the HST STAGES Survey 2007
Nanoparticles and QDs in Nanobioscience 2007
IL-1 family members as possible candidate genes affecting economically important traits in cattle 2007
Is ovarian stimulation detrimental to the endometrium? 2007
TFmodeller: comparative modelling of protein-DNA complexes 2007
VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Lyα nebulae associated with three z ~ 2.5 radio galaxies 2007
Star Formation in Interacting and Normal Galaxies over the last 7 Gigayears 2007
