
Título Añoorden ascendente
Cattle grazing, raptor abundance and small mammal communities in Mediterranean grasslands 2007
La sociedad de la información en las Comunidades Autónomas: Aragón 2007
Role of Pax8 in the migratory/invasive behaviour of thyroid cancer cell lines. 2007
Diamond nanowires and the insulator-metal transition in ultrananocrystalline diamond films 2007
Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields 2007
Reevaluating the Harbinson Proposal - Prospects for the EU25: A Note 2007
Optimal Control of Quantum Rings by Teraherz Laser Pulses 2007
Hydride-Carbyne to Carbene Transformation in an Osmium-Acetate-bis(triisopropylphosphine) System: Influence of the Coordination Mode of the Carboxylate and the Reaction Solvent 2007
Gliotoxin is a virulence factor of Aspergillus fumigatus: glip deletion attenuates virulence in mice immunosuppressed with hydrocortisone 2007
Carotenoid-based coloration and ultraviolet reflectance of the sexual ornaments of grouse. 2007
Vibrational Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and Ab Initio Calculations 2007
Preliminary studies on medium and fermentation strategy design for plasmid DNA production 2007
Clustering in a highly hydrogenated diamondlike carbon determined using fluctuation electron microscopy and phenomenological atomistic simulations 2007
A new earthworm trace fossil from palaeosols: aestivation chambers from the Late Pleistocene Sopas Formation of Uruguay 2007
Soil organic carbon pool under native tree plantations in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica 2007
Parasites, testosterone and honest carotenoid-based signalling of health. 2007
Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields 2007
High-angular-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy of hexagonal boron nitride 2007
An Analysis of Mercosur’s Regional Trading Arrangements 2007
Root-growth mechanism for single-walled boron nitride nanotubes in laser vaporization technique 2007
