
Título Añoorden ascendente
Density and spatial distribution of nests of Ectatomma ruidum and Pheidole fallax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), as response to the recovery of coal mine areas 2018
A Foresight Study of European East-West Agrifood Trade Options 2018
Structural and Mechanistic Insights into the Catalytic-Domain-Mediated Short-Range Glycosylation Preferences of GalNAc-T4 2018
Special Issue on “Joint scrutiny of EU policies: the contribution of inter-parliamentary cooperation”, Perspectives on Federalism 2018
One-step Synthesis of -Keto Acids from Racemic Amino Acids by A Versatile Immobilized Multienzyme Cell-free System 2018
Understanding climate´s influence on the extinction of Oreopithecus (late Miocene, Tusco-Sardinian palaeobioprovince, Italy) 2018
SNP rs403212791 in exon 2 of the MTNR1A gene is associated with reproductive seasonality in the Rasa aragonesa sheep breed. 2018
Cosmogenic production of tritium in dark matter detectors 2018
Real-Time and Real-Space Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory Approach to Attosecond Dynamics 2018
Optoelectronic Properties of Calcium Cobalt Oxide Misfit Nanotubes 2018
Evaluation of the effect of the 2011 Tsunami on coastal forests by means of multiple isotopic analyses of tree-rings 2018
Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. 2018
Biophysical studies and NMR structure of YAP2 WW domain - LATS1 PPxY motif complexes reveal the basis of their interaction 2018
Novel characterization techniques for Cultural Heritage using a TEM orientation imaging in combination with 3D precession diffraction tomography: A case study of green and white ancient Roman glass tesserae 2018
An active DNA-based nanoprobe for photoacoustic pH imaging 2018
CALDER: The Second-Generation Light Detectors 2018
Liquid thermal biopsy as a new non-invasive method of diagnosis for lung cancer patients 2018
BioSAMs for the EU Member States. Constructing Social Accounting Matrices with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy 2018
Active vibration control of piezoelectric smart beams with RBF-FD collocation method. 2018
Morphometric evaluation of Early Jurassic tridactyl dinosaur tracks at Lephoto, Lesotho 2018
