
Título Añoorden ascendente
Nanostructures based on amino-terminated amphiphilic janus dendrimers as camptothecin carriers with antiviral activity 2017
Scintillating bolometric technique for the neutrino-less double beta decay search:The LUCIFER/CUPID-0 experiment 2017
Self-supported ceramics substrates with directional porosity by mold freeze casting 2017
A new member of the thioredoxin reductase family from early oxygenic photosynthetic organisms 2017
Analysis of structural patterns in highly disaggregated bioeconomy sectors by EU Member States using SAM/IO multipliers 2017
Milk yield and genome-wide expression profiling in mammary gland of beef primiparous cows in response to the dietary management during the pre- and post-weaning periods 2017
Immunoproteomic identification and characterization of Ni2+-regulated proteins implicates Ni2+ in the induction of monocyte cell death 2017
Advanced spectroscopic analyses on a: CH materials: Revisiting the EELS characterization and its coupling with multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy 2017
First Progonomys from the Late Miocene of the Arabian plate 2017
The FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae: a bifunctional enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
EELS Studies on Nanodiamonds and Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Materials 2017
Nutrigenómica aplicada a la calidad del ternasco de aragón. 2017
Nitrogen deposition and climate change has increased vascular plant species richness and altered the composition of subalpine grasslands 2017
Blockable Zn10L15 ion channels via subcomponent self-assembly. 2017
Mate availability affects the conflict between producing one ormultiple annual clutches. 2017
Structural basis of mitochondrial dysfunction in response to cytochrome c phosphorylation at position 48 2017
High-sensitivity cryogenic light detectors 2017
Immune responses to bioengineered organs 2017
Primary marine aerosol physical and chemical emissions during a nutriment enrichment experiment in mesocosms in the Mediterranean Sea 2017
The intervening domain from MeCP2 enhances the DNA affinity of the methyl binding domain and provides an independent DNA interaction site 2017
