
Títuloorden descendente Año
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity in the Gd2(Sn1-yZry)2O7 (0 < y < 1) Solid Solution 2006
Mechanochemically Scaled-Up Alpha Cyclodextrin Nanosponges: Their Safety and Effectiveness as Ethylene Scavenger 2022
Mechanostability of the single electron-transfer complexes of Anabaena Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase 2015
MeCP2-E1 isoform is a dynamically expressed, weakly DNA-bound protein with different protein and DNA interactions compared to MeCP2-E2 2019
MeCP2… Nature’s wonder protein or Medicine’s most feared one? 2016
Medición y análisis de la audiencia social de las televisiones autonómicas en Facebook y Twitter 2018
Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks and their vertical structure based on remote sensing data 2016
Mejoras genéticas para la raza ovina Rasa aragonesa. 2008
Melitz Meets Milk: The Impact of Quota Abolition on EU Dairy Export Competitiveness 2019
Membership of NAFTA: A Viable Alternative for UK Agro-Food Producers? 2004
Memoria y homenaje al Justicia de Aragón D. Juan de Lanuza a través de los monumentos públicos y de la pintura de historia 2009
Memory and rejuvenation effects in spin glasses are governed by more than one length scale. 2023
Metal substrate catalysis in the confined space for platinum drug delivery 2022
Metal-Assisted and Solvent-Mediated Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Triazine Structures on Gram Scale 2020
Metallacarboranes and their interactions: theoretical insights and their applicability 2012
Metaplex networks: influence of the endo-exo structure of complex systems on diffusion 2020
Metastable Linkage Isomerism in [Ni(Et4dien)(NO2)2]: A Combined Thermal and Photocrystallographic Structural Investigation of a Nitro/ Nitrito Interconversion 2011
Methylammonium lead bromide perovskite nano-crystals grown in a poly[styrene-co-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacry-late)] matrix immobilized on exfoliated graphene nano-sheets 2022
MEvoLib v1.0: the first molecular evolution library for python. 2016
MgO as a non-pyrolyzable pore former in porous membrane supports 2018
