Metastable Linkage Isomerism in [Ni(Et4dien)(NO2)2]: A Combined Thermal and Photocrystallographic Structural Investigation of a Nitro/ Nitrito Interconversion
Hatcher, L. E.; Warren, M. R.; Allan, D. R.; Brayshaw, S. K.; Johnson, A. L.; Fuertes, S.; Schiffers, S.; Stevenson, A. J.; Teat, S. J.; Woodall, C. H.; Raithby, P. R.. Metastable Linkage Isomerism in [Ni(Et4dien)(NO2)2]: A Combined Thermal and Photocrystallographic Structural Investigation of a Nitro/ Nitrito Interconversion. Angewandte Chemie Internatinal Edition. 2011, Vol. 50, p. 8371-2011.