Isolation of ACACA exon5 and assignment of acetyl- coenzyme A carboxylase (ACACA) to pig chromosome 12 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmation by genetic mapping
VIII International Congress of Animal Genetics. I.S.A.G.
Tipo de participación:
Ponencia plenaria e invitada
Otros autores:
Calvo, J.H., Lopez-Corrales, N., Andersson, S., Osta, R., Archibald, A.L. y Zaragoza, P.
Año :
Minesota (USA)
Publicación (cita):
Calvo, J.H., Lopez-Corrales, N., Andersson, S., Osta, R., Archibald, A.L. y Zaragoza, P. . Isolation of ACACA exon5 and assignment of acetyl- coenzyme A carboxylase (ACACA) to pig chromosome 12 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmation by genetic mapping. En: VIII International Congress of Animal Genetics. I.S.A.G.. Minesota (USA): Animal Genetics suppl. (December 2000)., 2000