
Título Añoorden ascendente
Demostración de sistemas híbridos de potencia basados en pilas de combustible en un vehículo marino no tripulado 2022
Development of tailored DNA nanostructures for anticancer drug delivery 2022
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2022
Turtles, crocodiles, and squamates from the Early Miocene locality of les Cases de la Valenciana (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Iberian Peninsula) 2022
OPTIKA, a new high content in vitro kill-kinetic assay to evaluate the efficacy of novel anti-TB drug combinations 2022
Tracing human impacts from a multi-proxy perspective in the Central Pyrenees: the Tramacastilla lacustrine sequence 2022
Parameter characterization of HTPEMFC stack with a non-isotermal 3D model 2022
An approach to the mechanisms of use of gypsum crystallization water by plants 2022
Caracterización del remodelado cardiaco asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias 2022
In vitro synergy screens of FDA-approved drugs combined with last-line antibiotics reveal new bactericidal combinations against Klebsiella pneumoniae 2022
Sepiolite based catalyst supports produced by combined freeze-robocasting technique 2022
Source apportionment of organic aerosol over western Mediterranean insular remote environments (Corsica and Mallorca sites) 2022
Measures of the value added size of the European Bioeconomy: Different monitoring perspectives 2022
Hollow fiber system for tuberculosis setting up at university of Zaragoza 2022
Impact of renewables in rural areas: The case of wind power in a North-Eastern region of Spain 2022
Green synthesis of bifunctional nanomaterials for active packaging 2022
Numerical modelling of the breast reconstruction using silicone gel-filled implants 2022
n/a 2022
Comparison of the impact of polarization aging on carbon felt electrodes for a vanadium redox flow battery 2022
Desarrollo de nuevos modelos computacionales humanos para evaluar la cardiotoxicidad farmacológica asociada a la edad 2022
