
Título Añoorden ascendente
Thermal liquid biopsy as a new tool for lung cancer patients diagnostic: Pilot study 2018
Association of LP(a) concentration with the variability in the lipid-lowering response of PCSK9 inhibitors 2018
Participación en mesa redonda “Cómo escribir un buen artículo científico” 2018
Laccase-Catalyzed Bioelectrochemical Oxidation of Water Assisted with Visible Light 2018
Ponencia invitada: "Primeros álbumes fotográficos de vistas de Zaragoza. Década de 1860.", I Encuentro sobre el patrimonio fotográfico de Aragón, IEA, DPH, Huesca, 15 de noviembre de 2018 2018
Speaker, roundtable 2018
AGLINK-COSIMO: Economic Impact on Agriculture of a Low Carbon Economy 2018
The essential response regulator ArsR from Helicobacter pylori as target for novel potential antimicrobial drugs 2018
Single photons from vacuum 2018
The Roma Giant: large theropod tracks in the Lower Jurassic upper Elliot Formation in Lesotho 2018
Differential dispersal shapes the evolutionary dynamics of body size in a wild bird population. 2018
Preliminary studies to elucidate the mode of action of a new chemical series with antimicrobial activity 2018
Placental MSCs and their derivatives as vehicles for the Na/I symporter (hNIS): A new antitumoral therapy. 2018
Bone histology and growth of deer: preliminary results from bone histology 2018
High Performance Porous Ceramics for Energy Related Applications 2018
ANAIS-112: A test of DAMA/LIBRA dark matter signal at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory 2018
Identificación de regiones comunes de homocigosidad en cabras y ovejas. 2018
Whole Liver Bioengineering: shaping the future of regenerative medicine 2018
Duración del sueño y aterosclerosis subclínica: Estudio AWHS 2018
