
Título Añoorden ascendente
Assessment of organic matter as indicator of soil enrichment in a Mediterranean subwatershed with intensive agricultural land uses 2017
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of a sexually selected trait in a Mediterranean population of pied flycatchers. 2017
Molecular basis for the interaction between cytochrome c and its novel apoptotic target 14-3-3ε 2017
EP and drones 2017
Coupling small spin ensembles to superconducting on-chip resonators: towards a hybrid architecture for quantum information 2017
Altered DNA methylation in human placenta after suspected preterm labour 2017
Presence of Karydomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in the Miocene of Chios (Greece) 2017
Physical picture for mechanical dissociation of biological complexes 2017
Experimental transmission of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b) by blood-sucking dipterans as mechanic vectors. 2017
Development of novel high temperature and pressure alkaline electrolysis cells 2017
Individual Magnetic Vortices Investigated by Nanosquid Magnetometry 2017
Identifying small compounds inhibiting protein-protein interactions involving intrinsically disordered proteins: A multiple challenge 2017
Dirección del Congreso Internacional: II Jornadas sobre investigación en historia de la fotografía. 1839-1939: Un siglo de fotografía, IFC (CSIC), Zaragoza, 25-27 octubre, 2017 2017
Kinetics and thermodynamics in the protein-ligand interactions during activity in the bifunctional FAD synthetase from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes 2017
European agricultural policy: A new CAP at a crossroad between market competitiveness and sustainability 2017
KCa3.1 channel in endothelial/epithelial cell signaling and as drug target 2017
Coupling quantum circuits to magnetic molecular qubits 2017
Diplomacia parlamentaria y R2P (responsabilidad de proteger): rompiendo las fronteras de los conceptos tradicionales de soberanía y diplomacia 2017
PCR dúplex a tiempo real para la detección de la variante clásica (RHDV) y nueva (RHDV2) de la enfermedad hemorrágica del conejo. 2017
Comparing transfection efficacy between lipoplexes and gold nanoparticles 2017
