
Título Añoorden ascendente
Discovery and Development of Antimicrobials and Mechanisms of Drug Resistance 2018
Saurischia, Ornithoscelida, and the first dinosaurs 2018
Detección y aislamiento de virus de la enfermedad hemorrágica del conejo RHDV2/b en micromamíferos silvestres en el Norte de España 2017
Encapsulation of coriander essential oil in cyclodextrin nanosponges 2017
Redox status of C93 in FurB from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 modulates binding of regulatory zinc and its interaction with target DNA 2017
Presentación del proyecto QualyGridS: Test estandarizados para la cualificación de electrolizadores desarrollando servicios de red 2017
Targeting the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) for identification of potential novel drugs against Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2017
Natural Killer Cell immunotherapy in colorectal cáncer (CRC) 2017
Biomaterials, Scaffolds and Decellularization 2017
HPTLC-ESI- MS/MS for identifying neutral lipids, sphingolipids and phospholipids incomplex samples 2017
EP and drones 2017
Assessment of organic matter as indicator of soil enrichment in a Mediterranean subwatershed with intensive agricultural land uses 2017
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of a sexually selected trait in a Mediterranean population of pied flycatchers. 2017
Molecular basis for the interaction between cytochrome c and its novel apoptotic target 14-3-3ε 2017
Coupling small spin ensembles to superconducting on-chip resonators: towards a hybrid architecture for quantum information 2017
Altered DNA methylation in human placenta after suspected preterm labour 2017
Presence of Karydomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in the Miocene of Chios (Greece) 2017
Development of novel high temperature and pressure alkaline electrolysis cells 2017
Physical picture for mechanical dissociation of biological complexes 2017
Experimental transmission of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b) by blood-sucking dipterans as mechanic vectors. 2017
