
Título Añoorden ascendente
Desarrollo de nuevos modelos computacionales humanos para determinar la cardiotoxicidad de fármacos en relación con la edad 2022
Towards advanced cardiac miRNA therapies through DNA-based nanostructures 2022
Savanna or not savanna, that is the question: a view from the Guadix-Baza Basin (Spain) 2022
Recapitulation of pulmonary SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro in a novel 3D human lung organoid model with innate immune and stromal cells 2022
OPTIKA, a new high content in vitro kill-kinetic assay to evaluate the efficacy of novel anti-TB drug combinations 2022
Parameter characterization of HTPEMFC stack with a non-isotermal 3D model 2022
An approach to the mechanisms of use of gypsum crystallization water by plants 2022
Experimental and numerical characterization of the active behaviour of mouse rotator cuff muscles 2022
In vitro synergy screens of FDA-approved drugs combined with last-line antibiotics reveal new bactericidal combinations against Klebsiella pneumoniae 2022
A macroeconomic multi-regional IAM with input-output linkages: physical boundaries, climate change feedbacks and energy poverty 2022
Measures of the value added size of the European Bioeconomy: Different monitoring perspectives 2022
Ponencia invitada: "Viajeros y fotógrafos por el territorio de Aragón durante el siglo XIX", congreso Con otros ojos. El arte aragonés visto por los viajeros, 11 de noviembre de 2022, Institución Fernando el Católico (CSIC), Zaragoza 2022
Shortening Buruli ulcer treatment: the BLMs4BU clinical trial 2022
Hollow fiber system for tuberculosis setting up at university of Zaragoza 2022
Synthesis, characterization, and application in rechargeable batteries of CuxS-rGO aerogels 2022
Caracterización del remodelado del colágeno asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano de donantes vivos y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias 2022
Antioxidant active packaging for fruits based on polyoxometalates 2022
Programa informático para la clasificación y diferenciación de especies de micromamíferos. 2022
Comparison of the impact of polarization aging on carbon felt electrodes for a vanadium redox flow battery 2022
Heritability and additive genetic components of a putative post-mating sexual signal. 2022
