
Título Añoorden ascendente
DNA origami nanopores for biomolecular sensing 2013
Si-based photonic and photovoltaic devices: a low-loss EELS analysis 2013
Stilbene Phytoallexins: A Natural-Based Strategy to Control Foodborne Pathogen Campylobacter 2013
The Janus family: a Special Purpose Computer generation devoted to spin glasses 2013
Discussant, panel on The Impact of The Economic and Financial Crisis on the (De-)Europeanization of National Foreign Policies: Examples from Mediterranean Countries 2013
ThnA3 and ThnY, electron transfer proteins of the dioxygenase systems, evolved to become regulators of the tetralin biodegradation operons 2013
Preparation and magnetotransport characterization of nanopatterned La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 nanowires 2013
get_homologues: a software package for comparative genomics and microbial pangenomics 2013
Use of gold nanoparticles to enhance the MSCs adenoviral infection for cell therapies 2013
The relative importance of the mitochondrial cell death pathway during gzmB-induced apoptosis depends on the type of cell transformation 2013
Efecto de la suplementación con vitamina E en la expresión de genes relacionados con el metabolismo de la vitamina E en el músculo L. Thoracis de corderos ligeros. 2013
Nanoparticles Gal-TAMRA: Entry and cellular effects studies in hepatitis C virus infected cells 2013
Gestion de la documentación judicial en el nuevo contexto tecnológico 2013
The quantum Kuramoto Model 2013
Kyoto and Mañana: A CGE Analysis of Spanish Greenhouse Gas targets to 2020 2013
Chromatographie en couche mince à haute performance (HPTLC)-développement multiple automatique (AMD) et détection par changements d’intensité d’émission (FDIC) de nouveaux fluorophores pour l’analyse de molécules sans chromophores ou avec de pauvres pro 2013
Imaging nanoscale magnetization states by in situ Lorentz microscopy and electron holography 2013
Hollow Gold Nanoparticles as tumor treatment 2013
Activity and mechanism of action of resveratrol on Arcobacter cryaerophilus 2013
discussant 2013
