
Título Añoorden descendente
Analysis of genes regulating the production of the invasive aspergillosis biomarker bis (methylthio) gliotoxin within genus Aspergillus and other opportunistic fungi 2017
Presentación del proyecto de metrología: 15NRM03 Hydrogen 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: An enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
European agricultural policy: A new CAP at a crossroad between market competitiveness and sustainability 2017
Protoparadiplomacia parlamentaria catalana y el derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos: los casos palestino, saharui y kurdo 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: an enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
Palaeoneurology of a titanosaurian sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Fox-Amphoux-Métisson (southern France) and its systematic significance 2017
The effect of PEGylated Hollow Gold Nanoparticles on Stem Cell Migration. Potential Application in Tissue Regeneration 2017
Incorporation of essential oils in cyclodextrin nanosponges and their potential application for antimicrobial food packaging 2018
Functional characterisation of the factors modulating Natural Killer cell activity against colorectal cancer spheroid cultures. 2018
Whole-Organ Bioengineering: Growing Livers on Demand 2018
Cardiac dynamics in aged and failing hearts: insights from experimental and computational research 2018
Femoral Plaque Presence by Ultrasound Provides Discriminative Capacity for MACE beyond Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Aragon Workers’ Health Study (AWHS) 2018
The European Union, the European Parliament and the Conflict in Syria 2018
NanoSQUID magnetometry on individual cobalt nanowires at variable temperature 2018
A new approach to estimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity in soils affected by soil hydrophobic phenomenon 2018
Bioengineering human livers for transplantation: where are we now? 2018
Impacts of a NoCAP Scenario on Sub-Saharan Africa 2018
Energy conversion and storage technologies for the new paradigm based on sustainability: challenges, research and status 2018
High Tc nanoSQUID: performance and applications 2018
