
Título Añoorden descendente
Assessment of exchange- correlation functional for the calculation of dynamical properties of small clusters in time-dependent density functional theory 2001
Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C20? 2002
A Tutorial on Density Functional Theory 2003
Time-Dependent Density-Functional Approach to Biological Chromophores: The Case of the Green Fluorescent Protein 2003
octopus: a first-principles tool for excited electron-ion dynamics 2003
Solution of Poisson’s equation for finite systems using plane wave methods 2003
Excited states properties of nanostructures and biomolecules through time dependent density functional theory 2004
Propagators for the time- dependent Kohn-Sham equations 2004
Excited states dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory 2004
Calculation of the optical spectrum of the Ti8 C12 and V8 C12 Met-Cars 2004
Optical properties of nanostructures from time-dependent density functional theory 2004
Optical absorption of the Blue Fluorescent Protein: A first-principles study 2005
Photoabsorption spectra of Ti8 C12 metallocarbohedryne isomers: Theoretical spectroscopy within time-dependent density functional theory 2006
Optical absorption spectra of V4+ Isomers: One example of first-principles theoretical spectroscopy with time-dependent density-functional theory 2006
Propagators for the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations 2006
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2006
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2006
Efficient calculation of van der Waals dispersion coefficients with time-dependent density functional theory in real time: application to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 2007
Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields 2007
Optimal Control of Quantum Rings by Teraherz Laser Pulses 2007
