
Título Añoorden ascendente
Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: Microrreservas de Flora Criptogámica 2001
Nota briològica. Leptophascum leptophyllum (Müll. Hal.) Guerra & Cano, novetat per a la flora briològica aragonesa. 2001
The impact of Spanish astrophysics in the 1990's 2001
A Quick and More Sensitive Method to Identify Pork in Processed and Unprocessed Food by PCR Amplification of a New Specific DNA Fragment. 2001
QTLs en mejora genética porcina. 2001
Association between seminal plasma carnitine and sperm mitochondrial enzymatic activities. 2001
Electronic documents in legal works 2001
Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors are intracellular signalling proteins. 2001
General Equilibrium and the Ban on British Beef Exports 2001
Delta2- and Delta3- Azaosmetine Complexes as Intermediates in the Stoichiometric Imination of Phenylacetylene with Oximes 2001
Incorporating target heterogeneity in drug design 2001
Formation and Stereochemistry of Octahedral Cationic Hydride-Azavinylidene Osmium(IV) Complexes 2001
Régime alimentarie d’un ver de terre des savanes colombiennes – une remise en question des types écologiques 2001
Assessment of exchange- correlation functional for the calculation of dynamical properties of small clusters in time-dependent density functional theory 2001
The Economic Cost of the CAP revisited 2001
The application of thermodynamic methods in drug design 2001
Reactions of a Hexahydride-Osmium Complex with Aromatic Ketones: C-H Activation versus C-F Activation 2001
Reactivity of the Imine-vinylidene Complexes OsCl2(=C=CHPh)(NH=CR2) (PiPr3)2 [CR2 = CMe2, C(CH2)4CH2] 2001
Catalytic efficiency and vitality of HIV-1 proteases from African viral subtypes 2001
The use of isothermal titration calorimetry in drug design: Applications to high affinity binding and protonation/deprotonation coupling 2001
