
Título Añoorden ascendente
Earthworms as a resource in tropical agroecosystems 1998
A bicistronic recombinant adenovirus carrying both p53 and p16 tumor suppressor genes for treatment of p53-resistant gliomas. 1998
Earthworm communities in native savannas and man-made pastures of the Eastern plains of Colombia 1998
Estudio de la flora briofítica del término municipal de Jávea 1997
Differential stabilization of the three FMN redox forms by Tyrosine 94 and Tryptophan 57 in flavodoxin from Anabæna and its influence on the redox potentials 1997
Host Galaxies of Low Luminosity Radio QSOs 1997
Ability of PMMA to improve the PC/PVDF interfacial adhesion 1997
Systems, technology and fractals in administrative decision making 1997
Ring1A is a transcriptional repressor that interacts with the Polycomb-M33 protein and is expressed at rhombomere boundaries in the mouse hindbrain. 1997
B-K Colours of Low-Luminosity Radio Quasars 1997
Lithium and Sodium Insertion in W3Nb14O44, a Block Structure Type Phase 1997
Overview of TTP´s: the project Aequitas 1997
3d Spin Glass and 2d Ferromagnetic XY model: a Comparison 1997
Continuum limit of finite temperature lambda phi(4)(3) from lattice Monte Carlo 1997
Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality 1997
Finite temperature lambda phi4 model from lattice Monte Carlo 1997
A Study of Lithium Insertion in W4Nb26O77: Synthesis and Characterization of New Phases 1996
El correo electrónico en la Diputación General de Aragón 1996
Una propuesta de experiencia piloto para la informatización de los archivos judiciales en Aragón 1996
La informática como instrumento auxiliar de los juristas 1996
