
Título Añoorden descendente
RTS, S/AS02A malaria vaccine-induced IgG responses equally recognize native-like fucosylated and non-fucosylated Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite proteins 2023
EMG Signals as a Way to Control Soft Actuators 2023
Size effect of CoS2 cocatalyst on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of g-C3N4 2023
The First Systematic Meteorological Observations in the Americas (Recife, 1640–42) 2023
Core-shell Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 nanoparticles as high-performance anode catalysts for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction 2023
Parameter characterization of HT-PEMFC stack with a non-isothermal 3D model 2023
Multienzyme Coimmobilization on Triheterofunctional Supports 2023
The global historical climate database HCLIM 2023
Graphene Oxide: Key to Efficient Charge Extraction and Suppression Polaronic Transport in Hybrids with Poly (3-hexylthiophene) Nanoparticles 2023
Disentangling leaf structural and material properties in relation to their anatomical and chemical compositional traits in oaks (Quercus L.) 2023
Ecohydrological niche segregation among desert shrubs in a gypsum-calcareous formation, north-western Iran 2023
Impact of oestrus synchronization devices on ewes vaginal microbiota and artificial insemination outcome 2023
Near-real time flash drought monitoring system and dataset for Spain 2023
Functional coefficient quantile regression model with time-varying loadings. 2023
Un experimento online sobre conocimiento, opiniones y preferencias fiscales con alumnado de la Universidad de Zaragoza 2023
Recent advances in sensing the inter-biomolecular interactions at the nanoscale – A comprehensive review of AFM-based force spectroscopy 2023
[Libro] IV Jornadas sobre Investigación en Historia de la Fotografía. 1839-1939 / IV Conference on research in History of Photography. 1839-1939: A Century of Photography 2023
Joint Elicitation of Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution, Risk and Time Preferences 2023
GalNAc-T isozyme surface charge governs charge substrate preferences to modulate mucin type O-glycosylation. 2023
Spheresomes are the main extracellular vesicles in low-grade gliomas 2023
