
Título Añoorden ascendente
A review on CO2 mitigation in the Iron and Steel industry through Power to X processes 2021
KEYLINK: An integrative soil representation for inclusion in ecosystem scale models. II. Model description, implementation and testing 2021
A "dark side" to French parliamentary diplomacy? Evidence from the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts 2021
Mutant clones in normal epithelium outcompete and eliminate emerging tumours 2021
Gypsum-exclusive plants accumulate more leaf S than non-exclusive species both in and off gypsum 2021
Comment on “Global distribution of earthworm diversity” 2021
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
Optoelectronic Properties of Atomically Thin MoxW(1-x)S2 Nanoflakes Probed by Spatially-Resolved Monochormated EELS 2021
Widespread Infection with Hemotropic Mycoplasmas in Free-Ranging Dogs and Wild Foxes Across Six Bioclimatic Regions of Chile. 2021
Determination of the concentration of IgG against the Spike Receptor-Binding Domain that predicts the viral neutralizing activity of convalescent plasma and serum against SARS-CoV-2. 2021
Absence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Natural Environment Exposure in Sheep in Close Contact with Humans 2021
Asymmetric misfit nanotubes: Chemical affinity outwits the entropy at high-temperature solid-state reactions 2021
[Libro] Historias mínimas de la fotografía (1839-1924). Ensayos sobre la fotografía y sus pioneros en relación con Aragón 2021
Probing the antiknock effect of anisole through an ignition, speciation and modeling study of its blends with isooctane 2021
Olive cake and leaf extracts as valuable sources of antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds: a comparative study 2021
«Aragón Photo» rescata el retrato al daguerrotipo de Mariano Supervía Lostalé / «Aragón Photo» rescues the daguerreotype portrait of Mariano Supervía Lostalé 2021
Inhibition of the PP2A activity by the histone chaperone ANP32B is long-range allosterically regulated by respiratory cytochrome c 2021
The complex multi-sectoral impacts of drought: Evidence from a mountainous basin in the Central Spanish Pyrenees 2021
Relating the spatial distribution of a tall-grass to fertility islands in a temperate mountain grassland 2021
Influencia de la gestión agroganadera y las variables climáticas y topográficas en los cambios de abundancia de la rata topera (Arvicola scherman) en el Oeste del Pirineo. 2021
