
Título Añoorden ascendente
Searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130Te with CUORE 2015
Position-Controlled Growth of GaN Nanowires and Nanotubes on Diamond by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. 2015
Structural basis for inhibition of the histone chaperone activity of SET/TAF-Iβ by cytochrome c 2015
Structural characterization of ferroic and multiferroic nanostructures by advanced tem techniques 2015
Trends in the Hydrogen Activation and Storage by Adsorbed 3D Transition Metal Atoms onto Graphene and Nanotube Surfaces: A DFT Study and Molecular Orbital Analysis 2015
An on-line, hyphenated technique based on high-performance thin layer chromatography for determining neutral sphingolipids 2015
RSAT 2015: Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools 2015
Towards Stable Solar Hydrogen Generation using Organic Photoelectrochemical Devices 2015
Algunas Reflexiones Sobre Responsabilidad De Proteger, Diplomacia Parlamentaria Y La Intervención Militar En Libia En 2011 2015
Quaternary organization in a bifunctional prokaryotic FAD synthetase: Involvement of an arginine at its adenylyltransferase module on the riboflavin kinase activity 2015
Survival protein anoctamin-6 controls multiple platelet responses including phospholipid scrambling, swelling, and protein cleavage. 2015
Formation of strained interfaces in AlSb/InAs multilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy for quantum cascade lasers. 2015
Resveratrol inclusion complexes: Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity against Campylobacter spp. and Arcobacter butzleri 2015
Population structure of three Psammodromus species in the Iberian Peninsula 2015
Fluorinated liquid crystalline dendrimers 2015
Quaternary organization in a bifunctional prokaryotic FAD synthetase: involvement of an arginine at its adenylyltransferase module on the riboflavin kinase activity 2015
High-temperature stable gold nanoparticle catalysts for application under severe conditions: the role of TiO2 nanodomains in structure and activity 2015
‘Crisis and De-Europeanization’ 2015
Structural and Functional Analysis of Yeast Crh1 and Crh2 Transglycosylases. 2015
Manuel García Guatas, pasión por la Historia y el Arte 2015
