
Title Yearsort ascending
Baseline: from global to regional, 14th EAAE Congress, 'Agri-food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies 2014
Modelling the common agricultural policy: general equilibrium effects of the 2014-2020 budget agreement 2014
Validating CGE Models employing an historical approach 2014
The impacts of a CAP Budget reform on the world economy: A CGE Assessment 2013
Kyoto and Mañana: A CGE Analysis of Spanish Greenhouse Gas targets to 2020 2013
Analysis of the Impact of Croatia's accession to the EU on the agri-food sectors. A general equilibrium approach 2013
Gravity Estimation of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on EU-USA agri-food trade: Implications for further analysis 2013
Economic Impact of Agri-Food Trade Liberalisation Considering the Reduction of Non-tariff Measures (NTMs): An Approach 2013
Shifting Armington trade preferences employing gravity models: Addressing the ‘small shares stay small’ problem 2012
Controlling greenhouse gas emissions in Spain: What are the costs for agricultural sectors? 2012
Sugar and spice and all things nice? Assessing the impacts of the 2006 EU sugar reform 2012
A General Equilibrium Study of the Effects of EU Emissions Reduction Targets on Spanish Agriculture 2012
Analysis of impacts of the EU’s export refunds on developing countries since 2003 2011
A General Equilibrium Study of the Effects of EU Emissions Reduction Targets on Spanish Agriculture 2011
Differentiation strategies to improve marketing of saffron. A real choice experiment 2011
Reaping what others have sown: Measuring the impact of the global financial crisis on Spanish agriculture 2011
Capturing zero trade values in gravity equations of trade: A disaggregated sectorial analysis 2011
Consumers’ acceptability towards new food products incorporating saffron 2010
A Quantitative Economic Assessment of a Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Assessment 2010
A Quantitative Canada-EU Trade Assessment 2010
