
Title Yearsort ascending
Los determinantes de las preferencias de los españoles que apoyan la imposición sobre la riqueza: ¿divergen entre diferentes medidas de política tributaria? 2024
Where does employment really occur due to investments in wind energy? 2024
Where does employment really occur due to investments in wind energy? 2024
Expanding Eurostat’s FIGARO MRIO database: industry disaggregation, and environmental and labour extensions 2023
Disaggregating electricity in a supply-use framework extended with capital and investment matrices: The Spanish case 2023
A macroeconomic multi-regional IAM with input-output linkages: physical boundaries, climate change feedbacks and energy poverty 2022
Implications of inequality reduction for carbon emissions: conceptual and empirical analysis of the carbon footprints from consumer survey profiles for the EU countries 2022
Relator para el X Seminario Anual de la Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria 2022
Can climate change be tackled effectively through a fair and widely accepted carbon pricing policy? 2022
Impact of renewables in rural areas: The case of wind power in a North-Eastern region of Spain 2022
Essays on the electricity sector in Spain and other input-output applications 2021
Technological change for a sustainable economy from an input-output framework 2021
The role of irrigation on the regional divergences of Spanish agricultural production: Analysis during the second globalization 2021
Round table: Accreditations, scholarships and curriculum 2021
Colaboración, interdisciplinariedad e internacionalización en la construcción de aprendizajes significa6vos. La experiencia del Seminario de Pensamiento Económico Crítico 2021
Valoración de la política fiscal por parte de la ciudadanía española: Entre las relaciones y perfiles estables y los tiempos cambiantes 2021
Valuation Of Fiscal Policy By Spaniards: Sociodemographic Profiles and Values 2021
Experiencias de la docencia de un seminario interdisciplinar (inter-facultades) en pensamiento económico crítico sobre las implicaciones socio-económicas de la desigualdad 2021
Spanish People's Attitudes Towards the Environment and Climate Change. A Quantitative Temporal Evolution Approach 2021
Modelling electricity self-production and self-consumption. Insights from the input-output framework 2021
