
Titlesort descending Year
The Mpemba effect in spin glasses is a persistent memory effect 2019
The Multifaceted Function of Granzymes in Sepsis: Some Facts and a Lot to Discover. 2020
The multisite PeachRefPop collection: A true cultural heritage and international scientific tool for fruit trees 2020
The nature of HHL 73 from optical imaging and integral field spectroscopy 2008
The near-infrared properties of the host galaxies of radio quasars 2003
The new Inter-Parliamentary Conference on the CFSP/CSDP 2014
The New Strains Brucella inopinata BO1 and Brucella spp. 83-210 Behave Biologically Like Classical Infectious Brucella spp. and Cause Death in Murine Models of Infection 2014
The Night Sky at the Calar Alto Observatory 2007
The Night Sky at the Calar Alto Observatory II: The Sky at the Near-infrared 2008
The novel drug candidate VOMG kills Mycobacterium abscessus and other pathogens by inhibiting cell division 2024
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
The nuclear localization sequence of the epigenetic factor RYBP binds to human Importin α3 2021
The omnipresence of transboundary effects: A global, systemic, model based approach for analysing the SDGs 2021
The origins, structures and functions of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly´ 2013
The ornament–condition relationship varies with parasite abundance at population level in a female bird 2011
The paralogue of the intrinsically disordered nuclear protein 1 has a nuclear localization sequence that binds to human importin alpha3 2020
The parliamentary dimension of EU external affairs during the 2014 Greek Presidency 2015
The Parliamentary Dimension of Regionalism: Comparing Experiences in Europe´s Neighborhoods 2011
The photographic cabinet of Mariano Júdez y Ortiz (1856-1874) and the versatility of the stereoscopic camera 2018
The physical and chemical properties of heteronanotubes 2010
