
Titlesort ascending Year
“´EU inconsistency and incoherence over Libya´: evidence to the contrary” 2014
“The Indole Pulse: A new perspective on indole signalling in Escherichia coli 2014
“The European Parliament as an International Parliamentary Institution (IPI)” 2014
“Multi-level Governance in the Mediterranean: What roles for parliamentary assemblies?” 2016
“Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones” 2018
“Influence of ionisation on the conformational preferences of peptide models. Ramachandran surfaces of N-formyl-glycine amide and N-formyl-alanine amide radical cations 2009
“El Parlamento Europeo y el conflicto de Libia (2011): ¿una tribuna moral eficiente?” 2013
“El aire que respiramos”: diseño y desarrollo de un proyecto sobre contaminación atmosférica para trabajar las destrezas científicas 2022
“Effect of the Phobic Segregation between Fluorinated and Perhydrogenated Chains on the Supramolecular Organization in Ionic Aromatic Dendrimers”, 2010
“Do NOT shoot the messenger”: a critique of the existing literature on the European Parliament and Turkey 2020
“Desde el andén del llanto: Ildefonso Manuel Gil y Federico García Lorca” 2012
“Crónica de la exposición en el CDIS de Santander / Viajes fotográficos de Santiago Ramón y Cajal. De París a los Estados Unidos, 1899.”, 2009
“Bias Induced Transition from an Ohmic to a Non-Ohmic Interface in Supramolecular Tunneling Junctions with Ga2O3/EGaIn Top Electrodes” 2014
‘Hubs-repelling’ Laplacian and related diffusion on graphs/networks 2020
‘Crisis and De-Europeanization’ 2015
Μπρούντζος κι όνειρο: Οδυσσέας Ελύτης-Φεντερίκο Γκαρθία Λόρκα (Bronce y sueño: Odysseas Elytis-Federico García Lorca) 2008
Ελύτης-Λόρκα: μια ποιητική συνομιλία (Elytis-Lorca: un encuentro poético) 2006
´The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Rotating Presidency: bringing back national concerns through the “backdoor”?´ 2019
´The European Parliament´s contribution to the R2P debate: lessons from the Libyan and Syrian conflicts´ 2016
´The European Parliament and Interregional Dialogue: the Case of Responsibility to Protect´ 2015
