
Title Yearsort ascending
Quantum dot bioconjugates: emerging tools with great potential to study protein interactions and dynamics by fret 2010
Human mitochondrial haplogroup H: The highest VO(2max) consumer - Is it a paradox? 2010
Competition modulates the adaptation capacity of forests to climatic stress: insights from recent growth decline and death in relict stands of the Mediterranean fir Abies pinsapo 2010
Two-resonator circuit QED: Dissipative Theory limit 2010
Magnetostructural deflagration in Gd5Ge4 2010
Systematic Revision of the Epipetrum group of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) Endemic to Chile 2010
dnaprot version 3.1 2010
Designing novel nano-immunoassays: Antibody orientation vs sensitivity 2010
Polymorphisms in the HSP90AA1 5'flanking region are associated with scrapie incubation period in sheep 2010
Effects of Au nanoparticles on magnetic and transport properties of LSMO ultrathin layers. 2010
The bovine Annexin 9 gene (ANXA9) is significantly associated with milk-fat yield in a Spanish Holstein-Friesian population. 2010
Circuit quantum electrodynamics in the ultrastrong-coupling regime 2010
Macular lesion resembling adult-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy in Kearns-Sayre syndrome with multiple mtDNA deletions. 2010
Current regeneration patterns at treeline in the Pyrenees indicate similar recruitment processes irrespective of past disturbance regime 2010
Taller de (bio)Perl 2010
Ab initio molecular dynamics on the electronic Boltzmann equilibrium distribution 2010
Evolutionary divergence of chloroplast FAD synthetase proteins 2010
Creation and manipulation of entanglement inspin chains far from equilibrium 2010
Como mejorar la prolificidad de las ganaderías de ovino de carne mediante el programa de divulgación de la variante génica RasaOviaragón (ROA). 2010
EU-Latin American Parliamentary Relations: some Preliminary Comments on the EUROLAT 2010
