Assessmenf of market potential of future electrolyser applications
Scientific-Technical Report (Public). Assessmenf of market potential (2018)
V. Gil et al.
This study presents the results of task 6.1 of the ELYntegration project. The main objective
of this task is the assessment of the market potential for future electrolyser applications with a
close and dynamic interaction with the electric power grid and with the power markets taking
into account high shares of renewable energy sources. Within this assessment, relevant target
sectors for hydrogen demand are addressed and major risks and drivers for the market potential
of electrolyser business models are identified. Based on these identified risks and drivers, a
sensitivity analysis is conducted in order to quantify the impact of these influencing factors on
the profitability of electrolyser operation
This study presents the results of task 6.1 of the ELYntegration project. The main objective
of this task is the assessment of the market potential for future electrolyser applications with a
close and dynamic interaction with the electric power grid and with the power markets taking
into account high shares of renewable energy sources. Within this assessment, relevant target
sectors for hydrogen demand are addressed and major risks and drivers for the market potential
of electrolyser business models are identified. Based on these identified risks and drivers, a
sensitivity analysis is conducted in order to quantify the impact of these influencing factors on
the profitability of electrolyser operation