Development of a bioeconomy monitoring framework for the European Union: An integrative and collaborative approach
Robert. N., Giuntoli, J., Araujo, R., Avraamides, M., Balzi, E., Barredo, J.I., Baruth, B., Becker, W., Borzacchiello, M.T., Bulgheroni, C., Camia, A., Fiore, G., Follador, M., Gurria, P., la Notte, A., Lusser, M., Marelli, L., M’barek, R., Parisi, C., Philippidis, G., Ronzon, T., Sala, S., Sanchez Lopez, J., Mubareka, S. (2020) Development of a bioeconomy monitoring framework for the European Union: An integrative and collaborative approach, New BioTechnology, v59, 25, November 2020, p10-19
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