European Collaboration for Healthcare Optimisation, ECHO

The following are the expected results for the project:
1. A refined set of accurate performance indicators;
2. Reliable information about the actual performance of different providers, from six different
representative European Healthcare systems (Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian, English,
Austrian and Danish), at geographical and hospital levels;
3. Methodological insight for overcoming some of the classical hindrances for adequate
performance measurement;
4. A set of web-based analytical tools for replicating methods and analyses on more specific and
local problems.

García Armesto, Sandra
Principal researcher: 
Enrique Bernal
Entidades participantes: 
IC+S (centro coordinador), University of York- department of Health Sciences, Escola Nacional de Saude Pública-Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, University of Southern Denmark-Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology and European health management Association
Number of researchers: 
Start date: 
End date: 
Entidad financiadora
Financing entity: 
7 programa marco