Optimal control theory for quantum- classical systems: Ehrenfest molecular dynamics based on time-dependent density-functional theory

"Optimal control theory for quantum- classical systems: Ehrenfest molecular dynamics based on time-dependent density-functional theory", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 025204 (2014)

We derive the fundamental equations of an optimal control theory for systems containing both quantum electrons and classical ions. The system is modeled with Ehrenfest dynamics, a non-adiabatic variant of molecular dynamics. The general formulation, that needs the fully correlated many-electron wavefunction, can be simplified by making use of time-dependent density-functional theory. In this case, the optimal control equations require some modifications that we will provide. The abstract general formulation is complemented with the simple example of the H2+ molecule in the presence of a laser field.

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