
Título Añoorden descendente
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies the FecXGr allele in BMP15 segregating in Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed 2019
Dire wolves were the last of ancient New World canid lineage 2019
Placental MSCs and their derivatives as vehicles for the Na/I symporter (hNIS): A new antitumoral therapy. 2019
Lead-free colloidal nanocrystals for solution processed solar cells 2020
Thermal liquid biopsy (TLB) as a new diagnostic tool for patients with ovarian cancer: A pilot study 2020
Dendrímeros de bis-MPA y glicina como transportadores de fármacos para tratamiento de Malaria y Hepatitis C 2020
Repurposing beta-lactams for Buruli ulcer therapy 2020
diplomacia parlamentaria 2020
El «Seminario de estudio crítico» como metodología para fomentar el pensamiento interdisciplinar del alumnado universitario: entre ciencias económicas y humanidades 2020
Variabilidad en caracteres organolépticos y susceptibilidad a fisiopatías postcosecha en una colección de variedades locales de melocotón 2020
How to be winner in the game of evolution: A simplified history of the success of ruminants 2020
Expert campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
[Invited speaker:] The monastery of Piedra in professional stereoscopic photography, 19th and 20th centuries. 4th International Conference Stereo & Immersive Media, Lusofona University, Lisboa 2020
Development of non-invasive Immunotargeted imaging agents for the diagnosis of PDAC 2020
Resistance to selamectin in Mycobacterium smegmatis is associated with changes in the mycobacterial envelope 2020
Drug discovery for inhibiting Bacteroides fragilis toxin 2020
The Potential of Patterning Molecules and Nanoparticles with Dip‐Pen Nanolithography in Nanotechnology 2020
Probing the antiknock effect of anisole through an ignition, speciation and modeling study of its blends with isooctane 2020
NOEL: Innovative Nanostructured Electrodes for Energy Storage Concepts 2020
Participación en mesa redonda “2nd Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus” 2020
