
Título Añoorden descendente
Study of the role of the W196 residue of the human apoptosis inducing factor 2019
KCa3.1-overexpression in skin causes pruritic eczema and epidermal hyperplasi 2019
Disentangling Early Antler Diversity: Is There a Causal Link with Extrinsic (Climate-Related) Factors? 2019
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2019
A high-throughput system to reliably characterize normal human ventricular electrophysiology from living patients. 2019
Exosomas tumorales cargados con nanoláminas de paladio para catálisis biortogonal dirigida 2019
Dating the ice of Monte Perdido glacier (Central Pyrenees, Spain) to unravel its response to recent climate change 2019
Tithonian vertebrates from the Pays de Bray (northern France) 2019
An archaeogenetic approach to sheep herding during the neolithisation of the Iberian Peninsula 2019
Release of sym-triazine and HCN during the thermal degradation of FA based hybrid perovskites at low T conditions 2019
Root architecture and functional traits of spring wheat cultivars with contrasting tolerance to water deficit 2019
Participación en mesa redonda. Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus 2019
Quantum emitter(s) ulstrastrongly coupled to bath(s) 2019
Avicultura y Bienestar Animal: Principios, Paradigmas y Tendencias Sostenibles 2019
Utilización del CO2 en sistemas Power-to-Gas para la generación renovable de gas natural sintético. 2019
Computational Analysis Model Applied to Spanish Gaucher Registry Data 2019
Differential gene expression in pars tuberalis and hypothalamus tissue from Rasa Aragonesa sheep with different oestrous and anoestrous phases using RNA-Seq 2019
Thermochemical properties of  hetero‐atom substituted  cycloalkanes 2019
Plasticity in evolutionary potential under environmental variation in a population of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca 2019
ELYntegration project (H2020 FCH2 JU) 2019
