Differential gene expression in pars tuberalis and hypothalamus tissue from Rasa Aragonesa sheep with different oestrous and anoestrous phases using RNA-Seq
37th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference. (ISAG 2019)
Tipo de participación:
Otros autores:
Lakhssassi K., Ureña I., Marín B., Sarto P., Lahoz B., Alabart J. L., Folch J., Calvo J. H., Serrano M.
Año :
Lleida, Spain
Publicación (cita):
Lakhssassi K., Ureña I., Marín B., Sarto P., Lahoz B., Alabart J. L., Folch J., Calvo J. H., Serrano M. (2019). "Differential gene expression in pars tuberalis and hypothalamus tissue from Rasa Aragonesa sheep with different oestrous and anoestrous phases using RNA-Seq". 37th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference. ISAG 2019. Lleida, 7 al 12 de julio de 2019, 2019