
Título Añoorden descendente
Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors are intracellular signalling proteins. 2001
Régime alimentarie d’un ver de terre des savanes colombiennes – une remise en question des types écologiques 2001
Spatial distribution of earthworms in acid-soil savannas of the Eastern plains of Colombia 2001
General Equilibrium and the Ban on British Beef Exports 2001
Delta2- and Delta3- Azaosmetine Complexes as Intermediates in the Stoichiometric Imination of Phenylacetylene with Oximes 2001
The binding energetics of first and second generation HIV-1 protease inhibitors: Implications for drug design 2001
The Economic Cost of the CAP revisited 2001
Triple C-H Activation of a Cycloalkyl Ketone Using an Osmium-Hexahydride Complex 2001
Catalytic efficiency and vitality of HIV-1 proteases from African viral subtypes 2001
QTLs en mejora genética porcina. 2001
Utilización de la biotecnología genética para la detección de fraudes alimentarios. 2001
Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: Microrreservas de Flora Criptogámica 2001
Gold glyconanoparticles as water-soluble polyvalent models to study carbohydrate interactions 2001
Novel inhibitors of Leishmanial dihydrofolate reductase. 2001
The host galaxies of intermediate and high redshift radio quasars 2001
Electronic documents in legal works 2001
Phi29 family of phages. 2001
Limits on Dust Extinction in B3 QSOS 2001
Magnetocaloric effect in Tb5(SixGe1-x)4 2001
A Quick and More Sensitive Method to Identify Pork in Processed and Unprocessed Food by PCR Amplification of a New Specific DNA Fragment. 2001
