
Títuloorden ascendente Año
Como mejorar la prolificidad de las ganaderías de ovino de carne mediante el programa de divulgación de la variante génica RasaOviaragón (ROA). 2010
Characterization, genetic variation and chromosomal assignment to sheep chromosome 2 of the Ovine heart fatty acid-binding protein gene (FABP3). 2002
Characterization of the pars tuberalis and hypothalamus transcriptome in female sheep under different reproductive stages 2023
Characterisation of the Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene in the Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed: Association with reproductive seasonality. 2012
Changes in HSP gene and protein expression in natural scrapie related with brain damage. 2011
Changes in European wild rabbit population dynamics and the epidemiology of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in response to artificially increased viral transmission 2022
Caracterización, conservación y promoción de recursos genéticos de interés agroalimentario: caso practico de la Churra Tensina, raza ovina española en peligro de extinción. En: Avances de Investigación en Producción animal en Iberoamérica. 2012
Caracterización, conservación y mejora de razas aragonesas en peligro de extinción. 2009
Caracterización genética de la raza porcina Chato Murciano. 2000
Blood transcriptome of Rasa Aragonesa rams with different sexual behavior phenotype reveals CRYL1 and SORCS2 as genes associated with this trait 2023
Biotecnología aplicada al esquema de selección de la raza caprina de Guadarrama. 2005
Beef- and bovine-derived material identification in processed and unprocessed food and feed by PCR amplification. 2002
Associations of Heart fatty acid-binding protein (FABP3) with milk traits in Manchega breed sheep. 2004
Association of two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the calpastatin gene with tenderness under varying lengths of meat ageing in two native Spanish cattle breeds 2019
Assignment of ppk98 encoding TRA1 gene to pig chromosome 5 by fluorescent in situ hybridization and confirmation by somatic hybrid panel. 2000
Assignment of maltase glucoamylase (MGAM) to pig chromosome 2 (2q21) by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmation by genetic mapping. 2000
Assignment of acetyl- coenzyme A carboxylase (ACACA) to pig chromosome 12 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmation by genetic mapping. 2000
Assessing genetic diversity and population structure of the Spanish Guadarrama goat breed 2009
An international ring trial to assess molecular identification of Palaearctic Culicoides biting midge species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) 2014
Aislamiento de una nueva variante génica del gen BMP15 que influye en un incremento de la prolificidad en la raza ovina Rasa aragonesa. 2008
