
Título Añoorden ascendente
W196 and the β-hairpin motif modulate the conformational landscape and the biomolecular interaction network of the Apoptosis Inducing Factor 2021
The Kestrel. Ecology, behaviour and conservation of an open-land predator 2021
Palaeoecological differences underlie rare co-occurrence of Miocene European primates 2021
Elucidating the Intercalation of Methylated 1,10-phenanthroline with DNA. The Important Weight of the CH/H Interactions and the Selectivity of CH/π and CH/n Interactions 2021
Brazil’s sugarcane embitters the EU-Mercosur trade talks 2021
The case of a southern European glacier which survived Roman and medieval warm periods but is disappearing under recent warming 2021
Anticancer and Structure Activity Relationship of Non-Symmetrical Choline Kinase Inhibitors 2021
Los múltiples impactos del COVID19 en las migraciones, fronteras y políticas migratorias 2021
Routes Thinking 2021
In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of boron/nitrogen co-doped carbon nano-onions 2021
Cernícalo vulgar (Falco tinnunculus). 2021
Modeling the spread of COVID-19 in New York City 2021
Inhibition of the PP2A activity by the histone chaperone ANP32B is long-range allosterically regulated by respiratory cytochrome c 2021
Frequent Placental SARS-CoV-2 in Patients with COVID-19-Associated Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy 2021
Assessment of parametric approaches to calculate the Evaporative Demand Drought Index 2021
Comprehensive characterization of a cost-effective microbial fuel cell with Pt-free catalyst cathode and slip-casted ceramic membrane 2021
«Aragón Photo» rescata el retrato al daguerrotipo de Mariano Supervía Lostalé / «Aragón Photo» rescues the daguerreotype portrait of Mariano Supervía Lostalé 2021
Wrap to sort 2021
Hallmarks of the human intestinal microbiome on liver maturation and function 2021
Conceptual and methodological issues in estimating the success of ecological restoration 2021
