Thanks to its ARAID Researchers, ARAID plays an important role within the Science-Technology System in the region of Aragon. ARAID hires researchers via periodic Calls usually at the end of each year that publish the number of available positions many scientific areas in almost all public research Institutions in the region. The requirements, criteria and selection are available online, and the evaluation follows an Open, Transparent and Merit-based process. Selected candidates receive an undefined term contract. Both the Foundation and Host Institutions support ARAID researchers to develop their activity, lead new lines and groups of research as an important addition to not only their Host Institutions but the Regional Capacity.
Do you want more information on how to join ARAID? Visit Open Calls


In 2005, the European Commission adopted the European Researchers' Charter and the Code of Conduct for Researcher Recruitment, drafting two documents aimed at researchers as well as employers and providers of public and private sector funding. Both documents have become key elements of European Union policy, making research an attractive career and stimulating economic growth and employment in Europe.

Specifically, the European Charter for Researchers outlines the functions, responsibilities and rights of investigators and their employers. The aim is to ensure that the relation between these parties contributes to successful performance in the generation, transfer and shared use of knowledge, as well as the professional development of researchers from the early stages.

Moreover, the Code of Conduct for the hiring of researchers was drawn up to improve enrolment, so that selection procedures are fair and transparent. The researcher's merit should be measured not only by the number of publications, but also by a wider range of evaluation criteria such as education and teaching, supervision, teamwork, knowledge transfer, management and public awareness-raising activities.

To help accommodate the research institutions to the Charter and Code principles, the Commission set out a procedure through which those institutions interested in including them, could design their own Human Resources (HR) Strategy.

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is a mechanism to support the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C). This procedure includes carrying out an internal analysis of legislation and practices against the principles of the C&C (Gap Analysis) and the development of an action plan. Once approved, HRS4R Institutions display the HR logo in their webs and undergo regular internal and external reviews to control its progression.

Timeline of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers in ARAID

2009, ARAID signs the letter of endorsement to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C).
2013-2014, ARAID becomes a member of the 4th Cohort of HRS4R Institutions.
2014, ARAID’s HRS4R strategy plan is approved.
2015, ARAID obtains the HR Logo.
2018, 1st review, including the OTM-r questionnaire.
2019, Updated HRS4R Plan.
2022, External visit and 2nd review.
2023, 'HR excellence in Research' award renewal for the next 3 years


  • Publishes information for each Call in its website that includes specific description of the positions, profiles and experience required.
  • There is no obligation to provide validation or translation of the titles and qualifications at the evaluation stage.
  • The procedure is entirely online and in English.
  • There is a back office available via email for doubts and questions.
  • The positions are also advertised in Euraxess webpage.
  • A guide for applicants and evaluators is available at the Call system.
  • The evaluation is performed by external experts.
  • There is a procedure for complaints.
  • There is an evaluation of each Call procedures to improve next Call.
  • The outcome of the evaluation is communicated to all applicants by email.
  • A shortlist of candidates is invited for negotiation interviews.
  • The interviews may be done online via webex, skype or similar online means.
  • There is flexibility to start the contract and projects.
  • ARAID supports the applicant in the procedures for work visa permits.
  • OTM-R Policy

    An Open, Transparent and Merit based Recruitment Policy is key in ARAID´s HRS4R strategy. ARAID has, since 2015 implemented the OTM-R toolkit and recommendations by the European Commission. The two main documents that reflect this policy are:

    Additionally, download the applicable Transparency Law.

    Download the ARAID Plan:

    Other supporting documents: