Domain Fishing: a first step in protein comparative modelling
Contreras-Moreira,B. and Bates,P.A.. Domain Fishing: a first step in protein comparative modelling. Bioinformatics 18: 1141-1142.. 2002, Vol. , p. -2002.
To optimize the search for structural templates in protein comparative modelling, the query sequence is split into domains. The initial list of templates for each domain, extracted from PFAM plus PDB and SCOP, is then ranked according to sequence identity (%ID), coverage and resolution. If %ID is less than 30, secondary structure matching is used to filter out false templates. AVAILABILITY:
To optimize the search for structural templates in protein comparative modelling, the query sequence is split into domains. The initial list of templates for each domain, extracted from PFAM plus PDB and SCOP, is then ranked according to sequence identity (%ID), coverage and resolution. If %ID is less than 30, secondary structure matching is used to filter out false templates. AVAILABILITY: