The inferred causes of growth decline at the southern distribution limit of silver fir in the Spanish Pyrenees: historical land-use and climatic variability

Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio
Natural Hazards and Natural Disturbances in Mountain Forests: Challenges and Opportunities for Silviculture
Tipo de participación: 
Comunicación oral
Otros autores: 
J. Julio Camarero
Año : 
Trento (Italia)
Publicación (cita): 
J. Julio Camarero. The inferred causes of growth decline at the southern distribution limit of silver fir in the Spanish Pyrenees: historical land-use and climatic variability. En: Natural Hazards and Natural Disturbances in Mountain Forests: Challenges and Opportunities for Silviculture. Trento (Italia): , 2007