Tree-ring reconstruction of pine processionary moth defoliations in eastern Spain: climate-herbivore interactions

Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
Tipo de participación: 
Comunicación oral
Otros autores: 
Camarero, J.J., Tardif, J., Hernández Alonso, R., Conciatori, F., Gil J.M. & Ros, M.A.
Año : 
Las Vegas, Nevada (USA)
Publicación (cita): 
Camarero, J.J., Tardif, J., Hernández Alonso, R., Conciatori, F., Gil J.M. & Ros, M.A.. Tree-ring reconstruction of pine processionary moth defoliations in eastern Spain: climate-herbivore interactions. En: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Las Vegas, Nevada (USA): , 2009