Una aproximación histórica al desarrollo económico de los municipios españoles: la dicotomía rural-urbano durante el siglo XX hasta la actualidad

The project consists of the analysis and evaluation of the influencing factors in the
evolution of the Spanish municipalities population, from the 20th century to the present.
As well as the implications and consequences that may derive from this, especially in the
face of demographic challenges, such as -mainly rural- depopulation. This implies filling a
great gap in terms of systematic and consistent databases and associated literature available.
The research consists of 4 specific objectives: 1) Preparation and analysis by Spanish
municipalities of a historical database of the population, irrigated areas, dry land and
pastures, as well as associated climatic and geographical variables during the 20th century
until the present. 2) Preparation and analysis of variables that quantify Spanish municipal
economic activity during the 20th century to the present. 3) Analysis and evaluation of
explanatory factors of municipal demographic change in Spain, with special emphasis on
the role of irrigation, as well as the installation of other industries and developments in the
long term. 4) Analysis of development proposals and future options, e.g. related to the
energy transition. This extension should make it possible to understand and project
phenomena and proposals of key interest such as the demographic challenge.
The study has a clearly applied, historical and empirical character, being projected to be
useful for the present and the future. Although the information about population levels in
each municipality is relatively accessible from the censuses (approximately every decade),
the lack of coherent and unified information for holistic analyses is evident. The research
team considers that a good part of the climatic and geographic information, and of land
use, can be used to elaborate this base, but other variables potentially explanatory of
population change are less obvious or accessible. This fact is especially noticeable for
economic variables on a scale as specific as municipalities. It can be stated that there are no
databases or studies that have been capable of systematically representing and analysing the
economic evolution of Spanish municipalities. Therefore, it has not been possible to
evaluate jointly with the population matter, nor with other potentially explanatory factors,
as is going to be done in this work, which aims to be a pioneer in this field of social
sciences, and more particularly of economic history and economic, social and
environmental analysis.

Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio
Investigador principal: 
Ignacio Cazcarro
Organismo gestor: 
SGI - Universidad de Zaragoza
Entidades participantes: 
University of Zaragoza - IA2- ARAID
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Número de investigadores: 
Start date: 
End date: 
Entidad financiadora
Entidad financiadora: 
Fundación Ramón Areces
Convocatoria del XX Concurso para la adjudicación de Ayudas a la Investigación en Economía sobre los siguientes temas: "Análisis Económico”; "Distribución Comercial"; "Economía Aplicada"; "Economía y Derecho"; e “Historia Económica”, habiéndose dado la op
Presupuesto total del proyecto: 