
Title Yearsort ascending
Spanish People's Attitudes Towards the Environment and Climate Change. A Quantitative Temporal Evolution Approach 2021
Modelling electricity self-production and self-consumption. Insights from the input-output framework 2021
Essays on the electricity sector in Spain and other input-output applications 2021
Technological change for a sustainable economy from an input-output framework 2021
The role of irrigation on the regional divergences of Spanish agricultural production: Analysis during the second globalization 2021
Round table: Accreditations, scholarships and curriculum 2021
Changes in the electricity sector: Testing different scenarios using supply and use tables for Spain 2020
The Rural Impacts of Solar and Bio-Energy Use in Spanish Decarbonisation Scenarios for 2050 2020
Modelling Fiscal Changes for the Electricity Sector Using a Disaggregated Computable General Equilibrium Model for Spain 2020
Participación en mesa redonda “2nd Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus” 2020
El «Seminario de estudio crítico» como metodología para fomentar el pensamiento interdisciplinar del alumnado universitario: entre ciencias económicas y humanidades 2020
Electricity self‐production and self‐consumption: An analysis using disaggregated supply and use tables for Spain 2020
El Seminario multidisciplinar como espacio de enseñanza- aprendizaje para fomentar el pensamiento económico crítico en perspectiva histórica 2020
Sesión 2 (mesa redonda): Retos socio-económicos de la contaminación y la depuración de aguas residuales en el sector agroalimentario y los municipios de la cuenca del Ebro. 2020
Exploring sustainable scenarios for the electricity sector: An analysis using disaggregated supply and use tables for Spain 2020
Trade-SCAN: an user-friendly Trade Supply Chain ANalysis tool 2019
Analysis of the distributional impacts of the Spanish climate and energy policy using a Dynamic-econometric IO model 2019
Bridge matrices for feeding macroeconomic models with consumption survey profiles for the EU-28 countries 2019
Participación en mesa redonda. Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus 2019
Unravelling drivers of global land use change 2019
