
Título Añoorden ascendente
PCR dúplex a tiempo real para la detección de la variante clásica (RHDV) y nueva (RHDV2) de la enfermedad hemorrágica del conejo. 2017
Presentación del proyecto de metrología: 15NRM03 Hydrogen 2017
Analysis of genes regulating the production of the invasive aspergillosis biomarker bis (methylthio) gliotoxin within genus Aspergillus and other opportunistic fungi 2017
Emergent Causality and the N-photon Scattering Matrix in Waveguide QED 2017
Protoparadiplomacia parlamentaria catalana y el derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos: los casos palestino, saharui y kurdo 2017
Assessment of soil fauna footprints in a rehabilitated coal mine through micromorphology and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analyses 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: An enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
MicroWeaR: a new tool for dental microwear analysis and its application to paleoanthropology and paleontology 2017
Palaeoneurology of a titanosaurian sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Fox-Amphoux-Métisson (southern France) and its systematic significance 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: an enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
Reduced FMN requirement for FMNAT activity in the bifunctional FAD synthetase of human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2017
Innovation and multi-actor cross-border cooperation in central Pyrenees to improve sustainability of local sheep breeds. 2017
How molecules form transient complexes in photosynthesis and respiration 2016
Assessing the age-related relationship between plasma anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) and ovarian follicle population in prepubertal ewes. 2016
Tempo and mode in the evolution of ctenodactyline rodents 2016
Three-Dimensional Co/Pt and Fe/Pt Core-Shell Ferromagnetic Nanowires Grown by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition 2016
Status of CUORE: a Cryogenic Underground observatory for rare events 2016
Causality and the Cluster Decomposition Principlein ultra-strong photonics 2016
La-Mg-Ni alloys with stacking structure for nickel-metal hydride battery 2016
Immunogenicity of cytotoxic T cell-mediated cell death during cancer immunotherapy: not only killing but preventing cancer recurrence 2016
