
Título Añoorden descendente
Experimental transmission of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b) by blood-sucking dipterans as mechanic vectors. 2017
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of a sexually selected trait in a Mediterranean population of pied flycatchers. 2017
Drug discovery for infectious and genetic diseases: Challenges and opportunities 2017
Presentación del proyecto de metrología: 15NRM03 Hydrogen 2017
Innovative drug discovery and development strategies for antibacterial therapy: a focus on neglected diseases  2017
Study of the interaction between human apoptosis inducing factor (hAIF) and its nuclear partners 2017
Analysis of genes regulating the production of the invasive aspergillosis biomarker bis (methylthio) gliotoxin within genus Aspergillus and other opportunistic fungi 2017
Protoparadiplomacia parlamentaria catalana y el derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos: los casos palestino, saharui y kurdo 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: An enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
European agricultural policy: A new CAP at a crossroad between market competitiveness and sustainability 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: an enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
Palaeoneurology of a titanosaurian sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Fox-Amphoux-Métisson (southern France) and its systematic significance 2017
The effect of PEGylated Hollow Gold Nanoparticles on Stem Cell Migration. Potential Application in Tissue Regeneration 2017
Reduced FMN requirement for FMNAT activity in the bifunctional FAD synthetase of human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2017
From antiapoptosis to detOXIfication: Stumblin' in! 2017
KCa3.1 channel in endothelial/epithelial cell signaling and as drug target 2017
Fossil evidence and tracing key innovations - an example from the evolution of ruminant mammals 2017
Drones and Targeted Killings: what Role for EU Parliamentary Scrutiny? 2017
The intervening domain from MeCP2 enhances the DNA affinity of the methyl binding domain and provides an independent DNA interaction site 2017
Edad y prolificidad al primer parto de corderas Rasa Aragonesa portadoras o no del alelo FecXR. 2017
