
Título Añoorden ascendente
Molecular recognition in the interaction of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin with NADPH-thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC) and thioredoxin x 2014
Structural insights into the coenzyme mediated monomer-dimer transition of the pro-apoptotic Apoptosis Inducing Factor 2014
Combined structural snapshots and metadynamics reveal a substrate-guided front-face reaction for polypeptide GalNAc-transferase T2 . 2014
Retrieving the electronic properties of silicon nanocrystals embedded in a dielectric matrix by low-loss EELS 2014
Continuous matrix product states for coupled fields: Application to Luttinger Liquids and quantum simulators 2014
Elucidating Sources and Roles of Granzymes A and B during Bacterial Infection and Sepsis 2014
Prospectively isolated NGN3-expressing progenitors from human embryonic stem cells give rise to pancreatic endocrine cells 2014
Janus II: A new generation application-driven computer for spin-system simulations 2014
K+ -channel inhibition reduces portal perfusion pressure in fibrotic rats and fibrosis associated characteristics of hepatic stellate cells. 2014
Iron silicide formation at different layers of (Fe/Si)(3) multilayered structures determined by conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy 2014
Photon Up-Conversion with Lanthanide-Doped Oxide Particles for Solar H-2 Generation 2014
Joint spatial modeling to identify shared patterns among chronic related potentially preventable hospitalizations 2014
Janus II: a new generation application-driven computer for spin-system simulations 2014
A 3D insight on the catalytic nanostructuration of few-layer graphene 2014
Four- and Five-Coordinate High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes bearing Bidentate Soft/Hard SN Ligands based on 2-Aminopyridine 2014
“The European Parliament as an International Parliamentary Institution (IPI)” 2014
Direct Monolithic Integration of Vertical Single Crystalline Octahedral Molecular Sieve Nanowires on Silicon 2014
A new single nucleotide polymorphism in the calpastatin (CAST) gene associated with beef tenderness. 2014
Psammodromus hispanicus Fitzinger, 1826 2014
Diagnóstico genético de enfermedades metabólicos producidas por alteración del ADN mitocondrial 2014
