
Título Añoorden ascendente
Exciton Footprint of Self-assembled AlGaAs Quantum Dots in Core-Shell Nanowires 2014
Quantum chaos in an ultra-strongly coupled bosonic junction 2014
Atlas of Variations in Medical Practice in Spain: The Spanish National Health Service under scrutiny 2014
Modelling the Common Agricultural Policy with the Modular Agricultural GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET): Effects of the 2014-2020 CAP financial agreement on welfare, trade, factor and product markets 2014
Photochemical synthesis of bimetallic and anisotropic Au-containing nanoparticles using a one-step protocol 2014
footprintDB: a database of transcription factors with annotated cis elements and binding interfaces 2014
Synthesis of PbI2 Single-Layered Inorganic Nanotubes Encapsulated Within Carbon Nanotubes 2014
Whole-organ bioengineering: current tales of modern alchemy 2014
10 años de la Sociedad de la Información en Aragón 2004-2014 2014
Vascular dysfunctions in the isolated aorta of double-transgenic hypertensive mice developing aortic aneurysm. 2014
Enfermedade mitocondriales. Alteración del ADN mitocondrial, déficits bioquímicos de la cadena respiratoria y enfermedades de la fosforilación oxidativa 2014
Dynamic HAADF-STEM observation of a single-atom chain as the transient state of gold ultrathin nanowire breakdown 2014
Dissecting the local multi-scale spatial relationship of earthworm assemblages with soil environmental variability 2014
EURECA Conceptual Design Report 2014
Chapter 50: Evolution and Behavior 2014
Self-Assembly Modulation in Ionic PAMAM Derivatives 2014
Complex coacervates of hyaluronic acid and lysozyme: Effect on protein structure and physical stability 2014
Employing Social Accounting Matrix Multipliers to Profile the Bioeconomy in the EU Member States: Is There a Structural Pattern? 2014
Discovery of a new binding site on human choline kinase α1: design, synthesis, crystallographic studies and biological evaluation of asymmetrical bispyridinium derivatives. 2014
Artificial chemical and magnetic 2D structure at domain walls of an epitaxial oxide 2014
