
Título Añoorden ascendente
Whole-organ bioengineering: current tales of modern alchemy 2014
10 años de la Sociedad de la Información en Aragón 2004-2014 2014
Vascular dysfunctions in the isolated aorta of double-transgenic hypertensive mice developing aortic aneurysm. 2014
Enfermedade mitocondriales. Alteración del ADN mitocondrial, déficits bioquímicos de la cadena respiratoria y enfermedades de la fosforilación oxidativa 2014
Dynamic HAADF-STEM observation of a single-atom chain as the transient state of gold ultrathin nanowire breakdown 2014
Dissecting the local multi-scale spatial relationship of earthworm assemblages with soil environmental variability 2014
EURECA Conceptual Design Report 2014
footprintDB: a database of transcription factors with annotated cis elements and binding interfaces 2014
Chapter 50: Evolution and Behavior 2014
Self-Assembly Modulation in Ionic PAMAM Derivatives 2014
Complex coacervates of hyaluronic acid and lysozyme: Effect on protein structure and physical stability 2014
Employing Social Accounting Matrix Multipliers to Profile the Bioeconomy in the EU Member States: Is There a Structural Pattern? 2014
Discovery of a new binding site on human choline kinase α1: design, synthesis, crystallographic studies and biological evaluation of asymmetrical bispyridinium derivatives. 2014
Artificial chemical and magnetic 2D structure at domain walls of an epitaxial oxide 2014
Nanometric constrictions in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators 2014
Voltage dependent properties of DNA origami nanopores 2014
La redefinición del ámbito objetivo de la transparencia y el derecho de acceso a la información del sector público 2014
FANCA knockout in human embryonic stem cells causes a severe growth disadvantage. 2014
Wild boar rooting and livestock grazing activities affect alpine earthworm communities in the Central Pyrenees (Spain) 2014
Phase Competitions behind the Giant Magnetic Entropy Variation: Gd5Si2Ge2 and Tb5Si2Ge2 Case Studies 2014
