
Título Añoorden ascendente
Viral and Non-Viral vectors for in vivo and ex vivo gene therapies. 2015
Control of the spin to charge conversion using the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect 2015
Y chromosome haplotype characterization of Tunisian sheep breeds 2015
In situ Lorentz Microscopy and Electron Holography magnetization studies of ferromagnetic focused electron beam induced nanodeposits 2015
The EU Budget Battle: Assessing the Trade and Welfare Impacts of CAP Budgetary Reform 2015
Determination of monoglycerides in biodiesel 2015
Structural and Functional Analysis of Yeast Crh1 and Crh2 Transglycosylases. 2015
Human mitochondrial DNA as a molecular tool for population studies; the case of North Morocco. 2015
Atomic Scale Structure and Reduction of Cerium Oxide at the Interface with Platinum 2015
High-temperature stable gold nanoparticle catalysts for application under severe conditions: the role of TiO2 nanodomains in structure and activity 2015
Geometric features of the Wiseman isotherm in isothermal titration calorimetry 2015
Fluorinated liquid crystalline dendrimers 2015
Modulating the interaction between gold and TiO2 nanowires for enhanced solar driven photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen generation 2015
Characterization of protein-protein interactions by isothermal titration calorimetry 2015
Resveratrol inclusion complexes: Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity against Campylobacter spp. and Arcobacter butzleri 2015
Strain-induced coupling of electrical polarisation and structural defects in SrMnO3 films 2015
Emerging concepts in liver graft preservation 2015
Highly efficient enzymatic biodiesel production promoted by particle-induced emulsification 2015
Stationary discrete solitons in circuit QED 2015
Differences in the Ovine HSP90AA1 Gene Expression Rates Caused by Two Linked Polymorphisms at Its Promoter Affect Rams Sperm DNA Fragmentation under Environmental Heat Stress Conditions 2015
