
Título Añoorden ascendente
Rational stabilization of complex proteins: A divide and combine approach 2015
Tecnologías emergentes en Aragón 2015
Trends in the Hydrogen Activation and Storage by Adsorbed 3D Transition Metal Atoms onto Graphene and Nanotube Surfaces: A DFT Study and Molecular Orbital Analysis 2015
Evidence for Temporal evolution in the M33 disc as traced by its star clusters 2015
An on-line, hyphenated technique based on high-performance thin layer chromatography for determining neutral sphingolipids 2015
Towards Stable Solar Hydrogen Generation using Organic Photoelectrochemical Devices 2015
Algunas Reflexiones Sobre Responsabilidad De Proteger, Diplomacia Parlamentaria Y La Intervención Militar En Libia En 2011 2015
Genetic relationship and admixture in four Tunisian sheep breeds revealed by microsatellite markers 2015
Resveratrol inclusion complexes: Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity against Campylobacter spp. and Arcobacter butzleri 2015
Side Effects of Culture Media Antibiotics on Cell Differentiation. 2015
Electron degeneracy and intrinsic magnetic properties of epitaxial Nb:SrTiO3 thin films controlled by defects 2015
High-temperature stable gold nanoparticle catalysts for application under severe conditions: the role of TiO2 nanodomains in structure and activity 2015
Communal egg-laying in oviparous Zootoca vivipara louislantzi of the Central Pyrenees 2015
New Ionic bis-MPA and PAMAM Dendrimers: A Study of Their Biocompatibility and DNA-Complexation. 2015
Restoration of progranulin expression rescues cortical neuron generation in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of frontotemporal dementia. 2015
COVER ChemPhysChem issue 15 (2015) 2015
Influence of the shape and surface oxidation in the magnetization reversal of thin iron nanowires grown by focused electron beam induced deposition 2015
Tunable and Switchable Coupling Between Two Superconducting Resonators 2015
Ionic Conductivity and Structural Deformation of DNA Origami Plates in Electric Field 2015
Atomic structural studies on thin single-crystalline misfit-layered nanotubes of TbS-CrS2 2015
