
Título Añoorden ascendente
Are studies of geographical variation in medical practice useful in guiding decisions on disinvestment? Some pros and cons 2013
Contribution to the economic impact assessment of policy options to regulate animal cloning for food production with an economic simulation model 2013
Information sharing in Quantum Complex Networks 2013
Lagartija de Edwards - Psammodromus edwardsianus 2012
Modelado comparativo de proteínas 2012
Activation of endothelial and epithelial KCa2.3 calcium-activated potassium channels by NS309 relaxes human small pulmonary arteries and bronchioles. 2012
Synthesis and characterization of ultra-small NiCo/Graphite and FeNi/Graphite superparamagnetic nanoparticles 2012
Recent structural and mechanistic insights into post-translational enzymatic glycosylation. 2012
Suppression of three dimensional twinning for a 100% yield of vertical GaAs nanowires on silicon 2012
Os limites da diplomacia parlamentar e a resoluçao de conflictos internacionais: O caso da Assembleia Parlamentar Euro-Mediterrânica e a sua sucessora a Assembleia Parlamentar da Uniâo para o Mediterrrâneo (2004-2011) 2012
Non-adiabatic effects within a single thermally-averaged potential energy surface: Thermal expansion and reaction rates of small molecules 2012
Resultados productivos y condiciones e las ovejas ROA. 2012
Optoelectronic Properties of InAlN/GaN Distributed Bragg Reflector Heterostructure Examined by Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 2012
Self-organized growth of GaN quantum wires on GaN-AlN nanowire templates 2012
Country essays: Responsibility and Accountability in the Spanish Health Care System 2012
Phase control studies in Gd5Si2Ge2 giant magnetocaloric compound 2012
In vitro culture of mouse embryos reduces differential gene expression between inner cell mass and trophectoderm. 2012
Ecología Evolutiva 2012
Nanoscale strain-induced pair suppression as a vortex pinning mechanism in high-temperature superconductors 2012
Protein Kinase C-theta (PKC-theta) in Natural Killer (NK) cell function and anti-tumor immunity 2012
