
Título Añoorden ascendente
Interface similarity improves comparison of DNA-binding proteins: the Homeobox example 2012
Variabilidad en las Hospitalizaciones Potencialmente Evitables en el Sistema Nacional de Salud según sexo. Patrones comunes y discrepantes. 2012
Characterisation of the Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene in the Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed: Association with reproductive seasonality. 2012
Polarity assignment in ZnTe, GaAs, ZnO and GaN-AlN nanowires from direct dumbbell analysis 2012
Structural and Mechanistic Basis of the Interaction between a Pharmacological Chaperone and Human Phenylalanine Hydroxylase. 2012
Evolución del Comportamiento 2012
Long-Run Risk Dynamics, Instabilities and Breaks on European Credit Markets over a Crisis Period 2012
Of Poets and Myths: The Reception of Federico García Lorca in Greece 2012
“Desde el andén del llanto: Ildefonso Manuel Gil y Federico García Lorca” 2012
Ultrathin MgO Coating of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Nanoparticles by Combined Coprecipitation and Sol−Gel Synthesis 2012
Blood corticosterone levels and intersexual selection games: Best-of-bad-job strategies of male common lizards 2012
Should policy-makers and managers trust PSI? An empirical validation study of five patient safety indicators in a 2012
The poet as translator: The case of Odysseus Elytis and Federico García Lorca 2012
Nitric Oxide: Orchestrator of Endothelium-Dependent Responses. 2012
Quantum Navigation and Ranking in Complex Networks 2012
Optimally Harnessing Inter-day and Intra-day Information for Daily Value-at-Risk Prediction 2012
Self-assembled GaN nanowires on diamond 2012
Lagartija occidental ibérica - Psammodromus occidentalis. 2012
Pump-probe photo-electron and absorption spectroscopy in the attosecond time-scale with time-dependent density-functional theory 2012
Host feeding patterns of Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) within the Picos de Europa National Park in northern Spain 2012
